
Snow Leopard Enterprises is an award-winning conservation program that creates economic opportunities for families who share snow leopard habitat and reduces the motivation behind poaching.

The idea is simple: Herder women in snow leopard habitat produce unique handicrafts with the natural resources at their disposal. We buy the products from them and sell them to snow leopard supporters across the globe through wholesale partners and in our online retail store.


Snow leopards usually hunt wild prey species, but the cats will occasionally target livestock grazing in their habitat too.

The families are typically living on less than $2 per day, the loss of even a single animal can create great financial hardship. Herders may retaliate against snow leopards to protect their animals, or set steel-jaw traps to stop the cats before they get too close.

Snow Leopard Enterprises was created to help address the poverty that lies at the root of the problem.


Snow Leopard Enterprises enables participants to make beautiful handmade products from the raw wool of their livestock – intricate felt rugs, hot pads, and ornaments, pet toys and more.

The Snow Leopard Trust purchases these products at mutually agreed upon prices, and sells them to supporters around the world through our online store and a network of partners.

Snow Leopard Enterprises has drastically increased the value of each herding family’s raw wool, and the money earned can boost annual household income by up to 40%. This money is used to buy food, medicine, clothing and other vital necessities.

In order for a community to participate and earn this additional income, each member must sign a conservation agreement. Every year, these participating communities review and sign an agreement that requires each person to protect the snow leopards and wild prey species living in their area from poaching.

If a participating community fulfills their collective conservation agreements, an additional cash bonus is awarded at the end of each year.  However, if any poaching takes place during that time, the entire community loses the bonus. This strong financial incentive encourages the community to work together to protect snow leopards and share information with the Snow Leopard Trust and others in their region.

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